Thoughts or experience about breastfeeding.
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Hey mummas!! I have a 5 week old son! Am having real trouble feeding, as he keeps latching and unlatching! I really want to continue my journey with breastfeeding but is getting very frustrating and upsetting, and find myself resorting to a bottle with formula :/
Im currently having to give him a top up with a bottle to get his weight up (this is however only been the last cpl days) am worried that he might be getting to used to the bottle maybe or prefer it? But honestly don't think ive givin him a bottle enough times to make him that used to it...
Other things ive thought of could be that I have a low supply? Or a fast or slow flow? Not much distraction around when I feed him! So doubt he'd be getting distracted.
Anyway! Sorry for such a long post! Just wanted to get some other thoughts or experience's that anyone else has had?
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48974 - 2022-03-31 10:19:13
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